Welfare Department

Contact: | Peter Flynn |
Address: | Warner Community Center 3rd Floor 49 W Main St PO Box 265 Warner NH 03278 |
Phone: | 603-456-2298 Ext 1229 603-456-3004 |
Email: | help@WarnerNH.gov |
Hours: | By Appointment |
To promote, protect and preserve the health and well-being of our community by helping individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency through direct assistance ore referrals to community resources in order to meet basic needs.
Applications are in the plastic tub labeled "Welfare" in the front of the Town Hall - this area is open and accessible 24 hours a day.
To have universal access for individuals and families to connect to necessary resources and services so everyone in our community can thrive and prosper.
The Town of Warner Welfare Department provides interim emergency assistance for low income residents through a voucher system. Assistance is available with rent, food, utilities and medication. Each applicant will be interviewed confidentially to review household circumstances and eligibility for assistance. Applications are available during hours of operation (excluding holidays).
You must apply in person or arrange an appointment over the phone.
Under NH Law RSA 165, every town and city in the State is mandated to relieve and maintain those in need and are required to have written guidelines to ascertain eligibility. If you do not live in Warner, contact your local town office for information and assistance.
How to apply
- Download an application form.
- Call the Health and Human Services Director Monday - Thursday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at 603-456-3004
- Pick-up an application located at the Town Hall at the front of the building in a box marked Welfare Applications.
- After completing the application you can either drop it off in the Welfare box at the Town Hall, mail it to Town of Warner, PO Box 265, 5 East Main St, Warner, NH 03278 or scan and email it to help@WarnerNH.gov.
Forms & Guidelines
- Almoner Assistance Application Form
- Welfare Application Form
- Welfare Department General Assistance Guidelines
Homeless Assistance
If you are homeless in Warner, you should contact NH 2-1-1 (Dial 211 in NH) for possible homeless resources outside of Warner.
Long Term Assistance
If you are seeking information on long term assistance programs such as Temporary Assistance To Needy Families (TANF), foster care, disability grants, Medicaid, nursing home care, elderly care, and the food stamp program you may contact the New Hampshire Dept. of Health and Human Services.
Additional Help In Warner
- Funds Available for Heating Assistance - Community Action Program, Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc wants to remind homeowners and renters in Belknap and Merrimack Counties that Fuel Assistance funds are still available and the agency Area Center offices are open Monday through Friday to take applications. More info here
- The Community Wood Bank purpose is to provide supplemental firewood to people who are in an emergency or in a situation of need. Please see this document for more information.
- Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties: Housing assistance, fuel assistance, food pantries, etc
- Warner Connects NH / Food Pantry: The Food Pantry is located at the Warner Community Center, 49 W Main St, Warner NH. The entrance is in back of building through the carport tent. For assistance or more information please call 603-456-2053 / WarnerPantry@gmail.com. Donated items may be dropped off at the Food Pantry during open hours or in the donation box located in the north entrance of Market Basket. Checks can be made out to Warner Connects NH and sent to PO Box 402, Warner NH 03278. Starting in June 2023 the Food Pantry hours are: Tuesday 4-6pm and Thursday 11-1pm.