Corridor Committee - Disbanded

Contact:Select Board
Address:5 East Main Street
PO Box 265
Warner NH 03278

The Corridor Committee has been tasked to provide a recommendation to the Selectboard on how/if to move forward with making a pedestrian/bicycle connection between the downtown and the Intervale commercial district.

Corridor Committee Information:

  • Committee Report - June 2023
  • Community Survey Results
  • Committee Members:
    • Tim Blagden
    • Darren Blood
    • Michael Brown
    • Christine Frost (Selectboard-Chair)
    • Casey Milender
    • Sam Milender
    • Faith Minton
    • Rhonda Rood
    • Carol Anne Sims
  • Committee Alternates:
    • Chris Bailey
    • Arlon Chaffee
  • Meeting Dates &Times:
    • Every Monday Night at 5:30pm beginning December 5, 2022 through January 16, 2023
    • Except Monday December 26, 2022 will not meet due to the holiday season.


Volunteer boards and committees play a vital role in the management of the Town of Warner. In making appointments to volunteer boards and committees, the Selectboard objectives:
  1. To appoint qualified individuals who will ensure that the committee will do the best possible job and serve the best interests of the Town.
  2. To appoint individuals who recognize that their responsibility is to research and thoughtfully participate in gaining a full understanding of opportunities for the Town.
  3. To appoint individuals who are willing to commit the necessary time and energy to outlining recommendations to the Selectboard in a compressed timeframe.


  1. Independence and Public Input. Following state law, boards set their own meeting times and frequency, keep minutes, and ensure public posting of meetings. The Selectboard has found that board members are very responsive to suggestions from the public and take very seriously their roles as public servants. All meetings of these boards are public meetings and can be attended by any citizen or member or the press. The Selectboard has found that the boards welcome input from the public and that those with concerns will be recognized to express those concerns at any meeting , at a time that does not disrupt the committee from completing their work. Any resident can have an impact on town government by simply attending meetings and participating in the discussion.
  2. Term Limits: The tenure of the committee will conclude when its work is completed, which may be as soon as Town Meeting, March 2023. Even if the current Selectboard adopts a policy of appointing members for a limited time, future Selectboard members could change that policy.


  1. Advertisement of open positions will be posted in local notices and web notices beginning on November 15, 2022.
  2. An application will be filled out like all boards in Town, applications will be due by close of business day (4pm) on November 29, 2022. (found here)
  3. A list of interested volunteers will be kept and the Selectboard will meet on November 29, 2022 at 6:00pm to determine the composition of the Committee.


  • General understanding of problem solving.
  • A commitment to research outside of committee meetings.
  • A sincere interest in listening to public input and exploration of new ideas.


The first meeting of the committee will be Monday December 5, 2022 at 5:30pm. Availability to meet once per week on a time and date to be determined by the committee but within the following timeframes: Monday or Tuesdays day or evening, or Friday @ 7pm.


The Committee will consist of up to eight members; with a goal of half of the Committee to consist of members that live along the various potential routes. Alternates will be selected as interest arises, with the intention to limit to three.


  1. Proposal to the Selectboard of a course of action for the use of funding that is currently set aside by the Town for the corridor.
  2. Propose definitions so that the Town has a consistent understanding of what is being discussed.
  3. Provide a recommendation to the Selectboard on how/if to move forward with making a pedestrian/bicycle connection between the downtown and the Intervale commercial district.