Town of Warner Landuse Cases
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- Augeri Request for Variance
- Bean Subdivision
- Blanchette Variance
- Boyer Subdivision
- CK Realty Warner, LLC
- Chaloux Variance
- Comet LLC - Dunkin
- Comet LLC - Planning Board WFH Site Plan
- Comet LLC - ZBA WFH Special Exception
- Courser Subdivision
- Coyne Appeal
- D'Aprile variance
- Dubreuil Lot Line Adjustment
- Encore Solar
- Fasoli Special Exception
- Granite Roots Construction, LLC
- Jonas Home Occupation
- McLennand Waiver
- McLennand Variance
- Michie Variance
- Nieder Preliminary Consultation
- Peacock Hill, LLC
- Pendergaast
- Pleasant Lake Estates
- Pletcher
- Reidy Home Occupation
- Roy Variance
- Shoemaker Subdivision
- Shumsky Variance
- Smith Variance
- Snowy Cabin
- Tucker Assisted Living Facility
- Tyler Lawn Care
- Violette Variance
- Warner Agregates Parking Storage
- Warner Stone
- Warner Stone 2023
- Wecland LLC (Knoxland)
- White Clover Conceptual Consultation
- Xenakis Subdivision
Applicant Detail:
- Applicant: Augeri Request for Variance
Address: 224 Newmarket Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 13:30
Zoning: R3
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2024-05
Description: Seeking a variance to the terms of Article XIV-B, Section F., to allow for an accessory dwelling to be placed 90 feet from the primary dwelling unit. The ordinance requires a distance of 75 feet between an accessory dwelling and the primary dwelling unit.
Submission Date: 2024-07-24
Decision: zbanod-20240814-ZBA_2024-05_Augeri_Varience.pdf
- Augeri Map 13 Lot 30 Variance Application COMPLETE (2024-08-06 00:40)
- Augeri Map 13 Lot 30 Public and Abutter Notice (2024-08-06 00:40)
- Applicant: Bean Subdivision
Address: 306 Newmarket Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 12:21
Zoning: R3,OC-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Residential Development
Submission Date: 2024-06-04
Decision: zbanod-20240715-PB_Bean_Subdivision.pdf
- BEAN INSTRUMENT REDO FINAL PLAN submitted to Warner PB (2024-07-09 01:11)
- Abutter Notice Bean Map 12 Lot 21 rescheduled (2024-07-03 22:16)
- Peter Bean Map 12 Lot 21 Subdivision (2024-07-01 21:50)
- Applicant: Blanchette Variance
Address: 21 School St, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 30:010
Zoning: R-1 Village
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2023-03
Description: Acerage variance request for renovation into one owner residence, one additional residential apartment in the house, and renovate carriage house apartment.
Submission Date: 2023-06-27
Decision: zbanod-20230712-ZBA_2023-03_Blanchette.pdf
- Applicant: Boyer Subdivision
Agent: Roken Consulting, LLC
Address: Kearsarge Mountain Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 33:18
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: An existing 10.60 acre lot is proposed to be subdivided into 4 lots with a new subdivision road connecting to Kearsarge Mountain Rd.
Submission Date: 2024-04-05
Decision: zbanod-20240805-PB_Boyer_Subdivision.pdf
- Boyer August 5 Plan Set (2024-08-06 00:45)
- Town Template Overlay (2024-08-06 00:45)
- KEARSARGE MTN RD WARNER DRAINAGE REPORT 08-04-24 (2024-08-06 00:45)
- Boyer Aug 5 Drainage Area Plans (2024-08-06 00:45)
- July 24 Resubmittal (2024-07-25 18:41)
- Test Pits for Development (2024-07-25 18:41)
- KEARSARGE MTN RD WARNER DRAINAGE REPORT 7-24-24 (2024-07-25 18:41)
- July Presentation Plan Boyer (2024-07-25 18:41)
- Boyer Map 33 Lot 18 Drainage Area Plans (2024-07-09 01:11)
- Boyer Map 33 Lot 18 DRAINAGE REPORT (2024-07-09 01:11)
- Boyer Map 33 Lot 18 Town Department responses to Subdivision proposal (2024-07-09 01:11)
- Boyer Map 33 Lot 18 Subdivision Kearsarge Mtn road plot plans (2024-05-03 00:48)
- Boyer Map 33 Lot 18 Kearsarge Mtn Road Subdivision Application (2024-05-03 00:48)
- Applicant: CK Realty Warner, LLC
Agent: J.E. Belanger Land Surveying, PLLC
Address: 61 Old Hopkinton Rd, Dunbarton, NH 03046
Map/Lot: 3:51-1
Zoning: C-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Covered lumber storage building
Submission Date: 2020-08-25
- CKRealty-Application For Site Plan Review (2020-08-25 14:21)
- Applicant: Chaloux Variance
Address: 138 Iron Kettle Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 07:040-1
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2024-04
Description: Proposing to build a garage 40 feet from the edge of the right of way. Need a 10 foot variance.
Submission Date: 2024-05-12
Decision: zbanod-20240710-ZBA_2024-00_Daniel_Chaloux_Variance.pdf
- Daniel Chaloux Map 07 Lot 040-1 Variance (2024-06-11 00:25)
- Daniel Chaloux Map 07 Lot 040-1 Supplemental (2024-06-11 00:05)
- Applicant: Comet LLC - Dunkin
Agent: Benjamin C. Osgood Jr., PE
Address: 13 Branch St Suite 101, Methuen, MA 01844
Map/Lot: 35:4-1, 35:4-2 ; NH Route 103 West
Zoning: C-1 and INT
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: 7,200 sf retail building and drive through donut shop
Submission Date: 2020-06-01
Decision: zbanod-20210301-PB_Comet_Subdivision_Modification.pdf
- Dunkin Donuts Final Plans (2021-02-25 18:58)
- Stormwater Polution Prevention Plan and System Maintinance (2021-02-25 18:58)
- Presentation Plan (2021-02-25 18:58)
- 2020-12 Architectural (2021-02-25 18:57)
- Comet Subdivision plan map 35 lot 4 (2021-02-25 18:57)
- BOSGOOD COMET 9 Route 103 West T and E Wildlife Habitat Asessment 12-30-20 (2021-02-25 18:57)
- 2021-02-10 Responses to Warner River Letter (2021-02-25 18:57)
- 2021-02-10 AOT RESPONSE (2021-02-25 18:57)
- Comet 1 - 2020-12 Architectural (2021-01-05 19:48)
- Comet 2 - 2021-01-04 SITE PLAN REVISED BUILDING USE (2021-01-05 19:48)
- UNH Coop Extension Invasive Species w introductory text (2020-10-02 13:06)
- 200724-108 bmm (2020-10-02 13:06)
- Proposed Retail Development Review (2020-09-08 18:07)
- Warner river local advisory com (2020-08-31 13:46)
- Route 103 DRI Memo (2020-08-17 17:33)
- 05282020 WRLAC Letter Comet LLC (2020-08-03 20:57)
- response from Sean Toomey (2020-08-03 20:57)
- 20066-Proposed Elevations-Warner NH-r01-24x36 (2020-07-30 20:39)
- 2020-034 Site Plan Review Comments 07-20 (2020-07-30 18:16)
- FINAL AOT APPLICATION (2020-07-30 13:38)
- 2020-07-10 FULL SET RESUBMISSION 1.PDF (2020-07-27 17:45)
- CS2701 FIRETRUCK TURNING PLAN (2020-07-22 19:01)
- CS2702 FIRETRUCK TURNING PLAN (2020-07-22 19:01)
- REVISED PLANS COMET LLC 2020 (2020-07-06 16:03)
- MR KEN MILENDER (2020-07-06 15:04)
- COMET LLC EMAILS2 (2020-07-01 15:54)
- COMET LLC EMAILS (2020-06-30 12:08)
- COMET LLC DOC. 2020 (2020-06-17 19:30)
- Comet - case spreadsheet.xlsx (2020-06-15 13:31)
- CORRECTED APP. COMET LLC (2020-06-11 13:43)
- Comet - Deeds (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet Map 35 Lot 4 (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet LLC Site Plan Review 2020 Map 35 Lot 4 (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Abutter Notice - Comet, LLC (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet - Bodnarik Questions (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet - Site Plan (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet - Technical Assistance Services (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet Hearing Notice (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Public Notice - Comet, LLC (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Dubreuil - Comments (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet Application 2020 SPR (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Abutter Labels - Comet (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet Abutter List (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet Checklist (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet - Map 35 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 FEMA 1987-1 (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet Correspondence (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Comet - FEMA floodplain map 2 April 19, 2010-1 (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Agenda 20200601 (2020-06-10 20:04)
- Applicant: Comet LLC - Planning Board WFH Site Plan
Agent: Ranger Engineering Group, Inc., Benjamin Osgood, Jr., PE
Address: 13 Red Roof Ln, Suit 203, Salem, NH 03079
Map/Lot: 35:4-3 ; NH Route 103 West
Zoning: C-1 and INT
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Site Plan for 24-unit apartment building
Submission Date: 2022-07-29
- Comet LLC DRI memo10 03 2022 (2022-10-04 21:15)
- Comet LLC KRSD Superintendent memo 10 03 2022 (2022-10-04 21:15)
- Comet LLC Warner Fire Chief Jonathan France 19 93 2022 (2022-10-04 21:15)
- PUBLIC COMMENT 4 on the COMET (2022-10-04 21:11)
- Comet LLC 2022-08-08 PLAN SET-1 (2022-09-28 16:22)
- Comet Driveway on Route 103 across from North Road (2022-09-28 16:22)
- Comet Attorney Letter 2022-08-31 (2022-09-12 12:22)
- Planning Board - Workforce Housing Zoning Position 08-31-2022 (2022-09-12 12:21)
- 2022-08-29 PRESENTATION PLAN (2022-08-30 00:33)
- Comet Site Plan WRLAC Comments 08-26-2022 (2022-08-29 22:55)
- Comet Attorney Letter 2022-08-26 (2022-08-29 22:55)
- Comet Map 35 Lot 4-3 PUBLIC COMMENT (2022-08-29 22:55)
- Comet application comments - Frost to Osgood (08-21-2022) (2022-08-29 12:03)
- Comet Site Plan Aries Engineering Comments 08-26-2022 (2022-08-29 11:24)
- Comet Floor Plan 2022-07-28 Warner 24 unit building (2022-08-25 21:30)
- Comet Application Comments - Frost to Osgood (08-09-2022) (2022-08-25 21:30)
- Comet Map 35 Lot 4-3 2022-08-08 9 RT 103 WEST SITE PLAN APPLICATION (2022-08-25 21:30)
- Planning Board Memo - Frost (08-25-2022) (2022-08-25 21:30)
- Comet Map 35 Lot 4-3 2022-08-08 PRESENTATION PLAN (2022-08-25 21:30)
- Comet map 35 lot 4-3 memo from CNHRPC staff (2022-08-25 21:30)
- Applicant: Comet LLC - ZBA WFH Special Exception
Agent: Ranger Engineering Group, Inc., Benjamin Osgood, Jr., PE
Address: 13 Red Roof Ln, Suit 203, Salem, NH 03079
Map/Lot: 35:4-3 ; NH Route 103 West
Zoning: C-1 and INT
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2022-03
Description: Special Exception for Workforce Housing / 24-unit apartment building
Submission Date: 2022-07-29
Decision: zbanod-20220816-ZBA_2022-03_Comet_Workforce_Housing.pdf
- Comet LLC Map 35 Lot 4-3 Special Exception Application (2022-08-08 16:01)
- Comet Graphics 1 (2022-07-30 12:04)
- Comet LLC - InvestNH-Guide (2022-07-30 12:04)
- Comet LLC - Application for Conceptual Consultation 7.25.22 (2022-07-30 12:04)
- Applicant: Courser Subdivision
Map/Lot: 13:1
Zoning: OC-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Subdivision
Submission Date: 2021-04-05
- Courser Application for Subdivision (2021-04-05 16:23)
- Applicant: Coyne Appeal
Address: Willaby Colby Ln, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 13:19-1
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2023-04
Description: Apppeal of permit to build #2023-51
Submission Date: 2021-07-21
Decision: zbanod-20230913-ZBA_2023-04_Coyne.pdf
- Map 13 Lot 19-1 Administrative Appeal Application for POST (2023-09-14 00:55)
- Applicant: D'Aprile variance
Address: 115 Bible Hill Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 12:5
Zoning: R-3 and OC1
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2023-05
Description: Minor subdivision for two houses
Submission Date: 2021-08-25
Decision: Documents:
- Letter from abutters to Map 12 Lot 5 DAprile (2024-01-05 23:23)
- ZBA Decision to rehear Map 12 Lot 5 DAprile made by Gaffney and DeFabrizio Dec 13 2023 SIGNED (2024-01-05 23:23)
- DAprile pictures submitted for Map 12 Lot 005 (2024-01-05 23:23)
- Pier DAprile property Map 12 Lot 005 Abutter Notice January 2024 (2024-01-05 23:23)
- 12 5 2023 Gaffney Rehearing Motion Warner Final (2024-01-05 23:23)
- DAprile Map 12 Lot 5 Variance for POST (2023-09-14 01:03)
- Applicant: Dubreuil Lot Line Adjustment
Agent: Same
Address: 116 Route 103 East and 118 Route 103 East, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 6:57-1
Zoning: R2 and R3
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Proposed Lot Line adjustment between Map 6, Lot 57-1 and Map 10, Lot 74.
Submission Date: 2024-07-15
Decision: zbanod-20240805-PB_Dubreuil_Lot_Line_Adjustment.pdf
- Dubreuil Map 6 Lot 57-1 and Map 10 Lot 74 Lot Line Adjustment POSTED (2024-07-19 16:46)
- Applicant: Encore Solar
Agent: VHB
Address: Near 201-299 Poverty Plains Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 7:64
Zoning: R-2/OC-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Solar Facility
Submission Date: 9/11/2024
Decision: zbanod-20241007-PB_Encore_Solar.pdf
- SPR Application (2024-09-25 00:29)
- Stormwater Memo (2024-09-25 00:25)
- Color Site Plan (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Site Plans (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Decommissioning Plan and Fund (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Abutters List (2024-09-25 00:24)
- SPR Checklist (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Final Phase I ESA (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Mailing Labels (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Sound Study (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Deed (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Applicant: Fasoli Special Exception
Address: 130 Couchtown Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 11:40
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2024-01
Description: Truck Upfitter / Tow Truck Assembly
Submission Date: 2024-01-29
Decision: Documents:
- Fasoli special exception (2024-02-12 01:43)
- Fasoli variance004 (2024-02-12 01:42)
- Fasoli Map 11 Lot 40 Photos SIZED (2024-02-12 01:37)
- Applicant: Granite Roots Construction, LLC
Address: 132 Webster Drive, Webster, NH 03303
Map/Lot: 3:94 ; Poverty Plains Road & Route 127
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2020-01
Description: Special exception to develop an office & shop building for construction operations
Submission Date: 2020-06-01
Decision: zbanod-20200909-ZBA_2020-01_Granite_Roots_Construction.pdf
- 2NONconforming lot (2020-09-09 16:15)
- ZBA Public comments for Granite Roots (2020-09-09 12:23)
- Comments for ZBA for Granite Roots (2020-08-31 13:47)
- WARNER ZBA QUESTIONS (2020-08-19 16:37)
- ABUTTERS RESPONSE LETTERS (2020-08-12 18:21)
- Letters of concern ZBA (2020-08-12 18:21)
- Letter comments (2020-08-11 16:35)
- Letter from Dorothy Mike Martin (2020-08-11 15:31)
- Comments from Abutters (2020-08-10 18:20)
- GRANITE ROOTS CONST (2020-07-20 16:48)
- GRANITE ROOTS EMAILS (2020-06-30 12:08)
- Granite Roots Email (2020-06-24 13:22)
- Agenda 20200601 (2020-06-10 13:58)
- Granite Roots Conceptual 20200601 (2020-06-10 13:57)
- Granite Roots - Abutters (2020-06-10 13:57)
- Granite Roots Office Building (2020-06-10 13:57)
- Granite Roots - case spreadsheet.xlsx (2020-06-10 13:57)
- Applicant: Jonas Home Occupation
Address: 490 Pumpkin Hill Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 19:32-1
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: hand craft home occupation
Submission Date: 2020-11-13
- 5. Bens PB Letter Re.Jonas (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 8. Warner NH Tax Map 19 (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 3. Jonas Variance Abutters (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 6. Jonas Planning Board Letter (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 2. Jonas Variance Application Signed by Lindleys (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 1. Jonas Variance Application (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 7. StoneField Ranch Deeds (2020-11-13 21:35)
- 4. Jonas Corrected Abutter Notice (2020-11-13 21:35)
- Applicant: McLennand Waiver
Address: 225 Couchtown Rd
Map/Lot: 15:053-3
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2023-01, 2023-01a
Description: Requesting an Equitable Waiver due to the rear corner of an additional structure found to be 4 feet into the current 40-foot setback for the R3 zoning.
Submission Date: 2023-03-27
- McLennand Equitable Waiver Map 15 Lot 053-3 POST CASE FILES July 12 2023 (2023-07-07 11:14)
- McLennand corner of garage over abutter line (2023-04-10 20:09)
- McLennand Map 15 Lot 053-3 Equitable Waiver 1 (2023-04-10 20:07)
- McLennand Abutters Notification Map 15 Lot 053-3 April 12 2023 (2023-04-10 20:05)
- McLennand Map 15 Lot 053-3 Building Permit info (2023-04-10 20:04)
- garage plans-1 (2023-04-10 19:57)
- Map 15 Lots 53-1 2 3 Subdivision of Brown Property (2023-04-10 19:57)
- Applicant: McLennand Variance
Address: 225 Couchtown Rd
Map/Lot: 15:053-3
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2024-03
Description: Requesting a Variance from Article VII,C,1,b, to allow the setback encroachment into the 40-foot setback.
Submission Date: 2024-03-22
Decision:- zbanod-20240410-ZBA-2024-03_McLennand_Variance.pdf
- zbanod-20240522-ZBA_2024-03_McLennand_Variance.pdf
- James McLennand Map 15 Lot 053-3 Variance April 10 2024 (2024-04-05 22:28)
- Applicant: Michie Variance
Address: 48 Farrell Loop, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 7:026-01
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2023-02
Description: Replace existing delapitated structure with a new structure, with a slightly altered footprint.
Submission Date: 2023-06-23
Decision: zbanod-20230712-ZBA_2023-02_Mitchie.pdf
- Applicant: Nieder Preliminary Consultation
Map/Lot: 15:2
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Preliminary Consultation
Submission Date: 2021-04-05
- Richard Nieder Application for Consultation SCAN (2021-04-05 16:23)
- Applicant: Peacock Hill, LLC
Address: Rt 103 East, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 7:39
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: The intention is to subdivide the tract into 4 seperate lots
Submission Date: 2023-06-16
Decision: zbanod-20230626-PB_Peacock_Hill.pdf
- Warner Road Plans (2023-06-17 00:05)
- SUBDIVISION PLAN 5-14-23 (2023-06-17 00:05)
- subdivision ap June 19 2023 (2023-06-17 00:05)
- Fitzgeral Map 7 Lot 39 March 2023 Topographic (2023-06-17 00:05)
- Applicant: Pendergaast
Address: 111 Retreat Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 17:27,17:27-1
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Lot Line Adjustment
Submission Date: 2022-05-31
- Pendergast lot line plan Map 17 lots 27 27-1 (2022-05-31 17:57)
- Pendergast Lot Line Adjustment Application Map 17 Lots 27 27-1 (2022-05-31 17:57)
- Applicant: Pleasant Lake Estates
Address: 3A Pleasant Lane, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 3:24 ; 3A Pleasant Lane Mobile Home Park and Campground
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Add 2 offices so we do not have to share office space. Make office into conference room. Build 12x23 addition off the back of the existing 26x28 office building.
Submission Date: 2020-06-16
Decision: zbanod-20200706-PB_Pleasant_Lakes_Estates.pdf
- Applicant: Pletcher
Address: 443 Kearsarge Mountain Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 18:27
Zoning: R-3
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2022-xx
Description: Variance to remove building addition and replace with slightly larger addition
Submission Date: 2022-05-31
- Pletcher lawyer MyskowskiTo Warner Zoning Board, 9.14.22.PDF (2022-09-14 20:54)
- Certificate Appointment CAROL PLETCHER ESTATE (C2371474xA5F95).PDF (2022-09-14 20:54)
- Pletcher Map 18 Lot 27 Variance Application PUBLIC POST (2022-09-13 18:00)
- Applicant: Reidy Home Occupation
Address: 56 Kearsarge Mountain Rd
Map/Lot: 31:46-1
Zoning: R-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Home Occupation
Submission Date: 2022-03-27
Decision: Documents:
- Abutters Notice Home Occupation Daniel Reidy Map 31 Lot 46-1 (2022-03-27 17:14)
- Daniel Reidy Home Occupation Map 31 Lot 46-1 (2022-03-27 17:14)
- Applicant: Roy Variance
Address: 61 W Roby District Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 16:19
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2022-02
Description: Build 26x8 covered porch to extend front of home
Submission Date: 2022-06-29
Decision: zbanod-20220713-ZBA_2022-02_Christopher_Roy_Variance.pdf
- Roy Notice of Decision Map 16 Lot 19 final version (2022-07-22 13:08)
- Christopher Roy Map 16 lot 19 Application for Variance (2022-06-29 16:30)
- Applicant: Shoemaker Subdivision
Agent: J.E. Belanger Land Surveying, PLLC
Address: 61 Old Hopkinton Rd, Dunbarton, NH 03046
Map/Lot: 17:13 ; NH Route 103 and Morse Lane
Zoning: R2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2021-03
Description: Residential house lots
Submission Date: 2021-12-08
Decision: zbanod-20211208-ZBA_2021-3_Robert_Shoemaker_Map_17_Lot_21-1.pdf
- email from Tim Allen in ref to Shoemaker Driveway map 17 lots 13 and 13-1 (2022-02-03 20:56)
- WRLAC-Shoemaker Subdivision (2022-02-03 20:56)
- Subdivision application Robert Shoemaker 15 Morse Lane map 17 lot 13 (2022-01-05 13:57)
- Applicant: Shumsky Variance
Address: 30 Pleasant Pond Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 26:25
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2022-05,2022-06
Description: Variance for proposed redevelopment of an existing single family home to a 864 sf single family home within existing setbacks.
Submission Date: 2022-11-07
Decision: Documents:
- Map 26 Lot 25 Public Comment Suzanne Folsom (2022-12-16 21:28)
- Shumsky Map 26 Lot 25 Shoreland Plan-REV-1 (2022-12-08 22:47)
- Shumsky Map 26 Lot 25 Existing Conditions Plans (2022-12-08 22:47)
- Shumsky Supplement Abutters List (2022-12-08 22:47)
- Shumsky Map 26 Lot 25 Variance Application Dec 14 2022 (2022-12-08 22:47)
- 30 Pleasant Pond Road - Concept Drawings (2022-12-08 22:47)
- Shumsky Abutters Notice Map 26 Lot 25 (2022-11-07 23:06)
- Shumsky Map 26 Lot 25 Variance Application for POSTING (2022-11-07 23:06)
- Shumsky Map 26 Lot 25 Abutter list supplemental (2022-11-07 23:06)
- Applicant: Smith Variance
Address: 89 Mink Hill Ln, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 9:11
Zoning: OC1
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2023-06
Description: Variance to subdivide parcel Lot 09-011. Tota of 585' +/- frontage on Mink Hill Ln. 300' on new lot would leave 285' +/- on Mink Hill Ln for existing lot
Submission Date: 2023-11-13
Decision: zbanod-20231213-ZBA_2023-06_Peter_Smith_Variance.pdf
- Peter Smith Map 09 Lot 11 Variance Application for posting (2023-12-08 15:12)
- Applicant: Snowy Cabin
Agent: Clayton Platt
Address: Poverty Plains Rd, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 7:73+75
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Applicant proposes to adjust property line between lots.
Submission Date: 2023-08-21
- Snowy Cabin LLP Map 7 Lot 73 75 Lot Line Adj Application for POST (2023-09-14 00:53)
- Applicant: Tucker Assisted Living Facility
Address: 9 West Main St, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 31:11
Zoning: B1
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2024-07
Description: Residential assisted living facility / Home for the elderly. Our intention is to increase the current 5 bedroom home into a 20 bedroom assisted living facility.
Submission Date: 9/19/24
Decision: zbanod-20241009-ZBA_2024-07_Tucker_Assisted_Living.pdf
- Additional Property dimensions (2024-09-25 00:24)
- Existing Structures Measurements (2024-09-24 22:31)
- Concept App for Tucker (2024-09-24 22:31)
- Warner NH Map 31 Lot 011 West Main Street 009 (2024-09-24 22:31)
- 9 W Main Survey (2024-09-24 22:31)
- deed (2024-09-24 22:31)
- Applicant: Tyler Lawn Care
Map/Lot: 16:61
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2021-01, 2021-02
Description: Special Exception
Submission Date: 2021-04-05
Decision:- zbanod-20210512-ZBA_2021-01_Tyler_Lawn_Care.pdf
- zbanod-20210512-ZBA_2021-02_Tyler_Lawn_Care.pdf
- zbanod-20211214-PB_Tyler_Lawn_Care.pdf
- Holmes New Letter to Warner 3 (2021-12-16 13:39)
- Tyler Lawn Care Map 16 Lot 61 Site Plan Application Package (2021-12-13 17:40)
- Tyler Lawn Care Map 16 Lot 61 1922 ~ McIver Drainage Report (2021-12-13 17:39)
- Map 16 Lot 61 Abutter Support 2 (2021-05-17 16:31)
- Map 16 Lot 61 Abutter Support (2021-05-17 16:31)
- Tyler Lawn Care Map 16 Lot 61 Proposed Sketch (2021-05-12 20:59)
- Tyler Lawn Care Map 16 lot 61 Close up of Proposed Sketch (2021-05-12 20:59)
- Tyler Lawn Care Map 16 Lot 61 Special Exception Application 1 (2021-05-12 18:29)
- map with perambulation of town line bradford and warner (2021-05-12 18:29)
- Tyler Lawn Care Map 16 Lot 61 Special Exception Application 2 (2021-05-12 18:29)
- Perambulation town line bradford and warner 1958 (2021-05-12 18:29)
- Map 16 Lot 61 - Abutter response to Application for Spec. Except (2021-05-11 17:44)
- Tyler Lawn Care Conceptual Consultation Application (2021-04-05 16:23)
- Applicant: Violette Variance
Map/Lot: 14:36-1
Zoning: R-2
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2021-03
Description: Lot line adjustment
Submission Date: 2021-08-02
Decision: zbanod-20210811-ZBA_2021-03_Violette.pdf
- Public letters to Violette Map 14 Lot 36-1 2 (2022-02-09 21:47)
- Violette Map 14 Lot 36 - Exhibit A (2022-02-09 21:47)
- Violette Map 14 Lot 36 - Exhibit B (2022-02-09 21:47)
- Violette Map 14 Lot 36-1 Variance february 9 2022 (2022-02-07 22:46)
- Violette - Zoning Application (2021-08-02 15:37)
- Applicant: Warner Agregates Parking Storage
Address: PO Box 2089, Henniker, NH 03242
Map/Lot: 3:84-10-A
Zoning: C1
Landuse Board: Zoning - Case #2024-06
Description: Parking / Storing Campers
Submission Date: 09/17/2024
Decision: zbanod-20241211-ZBA_2024-06_Warner_Aggregates.pdf
- Conceptual Warner Agg (2024-09-24 22:55)
- Special Exception 03-084-10A (2024-09-24 22:55)
- Applicant: Warner Stone
Address: Warner Rd
Map/Lot: 3:39-1, 3:39-2
Zoning: C-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Landscape construction business, storage of equipment and materials, and operations.
Submission Date: 2021-05-03
- Warner Stone Map 3 Lot 39-1&2 Site Plan application (2021-04-29 21:55)
- Applicant: Warner Stone 2023
Address: Warner Rd
Map/Lot: 3:39-2
Zoning: C-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Landscape construction business, storage of equipment and materials, and operations.
Submission Date: 2023-07-10
- L7 Warner Stone 3d Plan 7 10 23 (2023-08-03 22:19)
- L6 Warner Stone Building Elevations 7 10 23 (2023-08-03 22:19)
- Sign Light Submittals (2023-08-03 22:19)
- ISDS eCA2023071727 Approved Plan (2023-08-03 22:19)
- Pole Light submittals (2023-08-03 22:19)
- L3 Warner Stone GRADINGDRAINAGE PLAN 7 10 23 (2023-08-03 22:19)
- Warner Stone Site Plan Application August 7 (2023-08-03 22:19)
- L1 Warner Stone MASTER SITE PLAN 7 10 23 (2023-08-03 22:19)
- photometrics (2023-08-03 22:19)
- L4 Warner Stone Detail Sheet 7 10 23 (2023-08-03 22:19)
- Wallpack Submittals (2023-08-03 22:19)
- Applicant: Wecland LLC (Knoxland)
Address: 25 Old Warner Ln, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 3:34, 3:35 ; 25 Old Warner Ln
Zoning: C1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Service Area Expansion
Submission Date: 2022-05-02
- Site plan modification Wecland Mike Jones map 3 lot 34 & 35 (2022-05-02 19:07)
- Applicant: White Clover Conceptual Consultation
Address: 183 West Main St, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 35:003
Zoning: C-1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Commercial Use - The 121 Shop - Floral arranging. Will deliver to events or customers.
Submission Date: 2020-11-29
- x.txt (2022-12-05 21:24)
- White Clover Map 35 Lot 003 Conceptual Consultation November 30 2022 (2022-12-05 14:38)
- White Clover Map 35 Lot 003 Determination of Site Plan Review Dec 1 2022 (2022-12-05 14:38)
- Applicant: Xenakis Subdivision
Agent: J.E. Belanger Land Surveying, PLLC.
Address: 93 Dimond Lane, Warner, NH 03278
Map/Lot: 3:29
Zoning: R2 and OC1
Landuse Board: Planning
Description: Subdividing a 11.16 acre lot into two residential lots. There will be an existing house on one lot and a single-family residential home will be built on the newly created lot. An existing lane will be extended so the newly created lot will have road frontage (this has been approved by the Town of Warner Selectboard).
Submission Date: 2024-06-27
- xenakis Map 3 Lot 29 Subdivision (2024-07-19 16:46)
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