Listed below are various Departments and Committees of the Town of Warner Government along with a brief description of their responsibilities. Beside each title is listed one of the following indicators and their meaning. (E: Elected A: Appointed)

Select Board (E)

The Select Board is elected to "manage the prudential affairs" of the Town. "Prudential affairs" means the same thing as filling in the details, thus the Select Board are the Executive, Managerial and Administrative body that does what is necessary to carry out the votes of the towns people enacted at Town Meeting.

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Town Clerk (E)

The Town Clerk is the Official recorder of the Town and is the Keeper of the Town's records. Records include births, marriages, deaths, dog licenses and auto registrations. The Town Clerk also performs administrative tasks dealing with elections including voter registrations and ballots.

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Town Treasurer (E)

The Town Treasurer is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds provided to the town from Federal, State and local sources and the proper accounting of the same.

Tax Collector (E)

The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing and collection of property taxes and the collection of other taxes due the Town based on warrants provided by the Select Board. The Tax Collector also computes interest charges on delinquent taxes and places liens on property for non-payment of taxes.

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Agricultural Commission (A)

The Agricultural Commission shall consist of 1 member of the Select Board, 1 member of the Planning Board, 1 member of the Conservation Commission and 3-4 at large members along with a maximum of 5 alternate at-large members. The Select Board shall select the at-large 3-year terms. All members of the commission shall be residents of the Town of Warner. The Commission shall operate in accordance with the statutes related to agricultural commissions contained in RSA 674.

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Budget Committee (E)

The Budget Committee develops a proposed budget for the Town of Warner, after reviewing the budget submitted by the Select Board and each individual department. The result is a recommended budget, that is presented to the public at the Budget Committee Public Meeting, thereafter incorporating any changes as a result of the Budget Committee Public Meeting, with the final proposed budget presented to the voters at the Town Meeting.

Cemetery Trustees (E)

Cemetery Trustees are responsible for the care and maintenance of public municipal cemeteries and for any private cemeteries the town has acquired. Cemetery trustees establish bylaws for the care, protection, preservation, and use of public cemeteries, prepare an annual budget, prepare the deeds or right to inter document for cemetery lots, and arrange for appropriate maintenance of cemeteries. Deeds for cemetery lots are signed by the Select Board, a right to inter document maybe signed by the cemetery trustees. Cemetery Trustees do not hold the principal of donated cemetery and perpetual care trust funds; this responsibility is given to the Trustees of Trust Funds (TTFs). Cemetery Trustees do prepare vouchers to be submitted to the Trustees of Trust Funds for reimbursement of cemetery care for perpetual care lots and it is therefore important for Cemetery Trustees to work closely with the TTFs.

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Chandler Reservation Committee (E)

The Chandler Reservation Committee is an elected committee that oversees the management of the Reservation. Management activities include forestry, recreation and wildlife. A trail system has been developed which offers great hiking opportunities. A self-guided woods-walk trail has 19 "stations" showing points of interest. Additional information can be found on the Chandler Reservation page.

Community Power Committee (A)

The Community Power Committee was formed in 2021 as a means to bring lower cost electricity to the residents of Warner.

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Conservation Commission (A)

The Conservation Commission is concerned with the proper utilization and protection of the Town.s natural resources, both land and water. The Commission administers a conservation fund which it uses to acquire conservation easements from willing landowners to protect parcels with exceptional natural qualities. The Commission advises other Town boards on resource management issues. It also undertakes studies from time to time, and conducts public information activities.

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Corridor Committee (A)

The Corridor Committee was formed in 2022 to make recommendations to the Select Board about a possible pedestrian/bicycle connection between the downtown and the Intervale commercial district (I-89 Exit 9).

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Economic Development Advisory Committee (A)

The goal of the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) is to plan and implement sustainable economic development. That includes but is not limited to supporting existing businesses and non-profits as well as encourages new businesses development. The EDAC will encourage economic growth that serves local needs, is environmentally responsible, fits aesthetically with the town’s historic architecture, and provides a net increase in municipal revenue.

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Doing Business in Warner
Shop Warner

Energy/Solar Committee (A)

The mission of the Warner Energy Committee is to recommend local steps to save energy and reduce emissions to the Select Board. This will include measures which encourage and empower our citizens and community to move toward greater energy conservation, security, sustainability, and more responsible energy usage. The Committee advocates protecting the natural local and global environment, by supporting the responsible development of a civic and business environment which fosters and attracts green businesses and jobs, promoting local sources of renewable energy, and proposing solutions to benefit citizens that reduce energy costs and environmental impacts.

Fire Department (Silver Lake Hose Co. No. 1)

Originally founded in 1830 as Silver Lake Hose Co. No. 1, the Warner Fire Department has been in continuous operation for the past 180 years. (More History) Currently classified as a "call" department, where members are paid for the time spent responding to calls, the Warner Fire Department was originally volunteer and maintains all the best aspects of those roots today, with hundreds of "volunteer" hours spent each year in training and maintaining the station and equipment.

With a roster of thirty-three (33) officers and firefighters and nine (9) Emergency Medical Technician.s, the department responds to approximately 300 calls per year. Well equipped, with two Engines (Pumpers), three Tanker Trucks, carrying 4350 gallons of water on wheels, a Heavy-Rescue and an all-wheel drive Brush Truck, the department proudly maintains its 170-year heritage.

Outside burning permits are required for any outside burning unless the ground is completely covered with snow. The NH Department of Environmental Services also prohibits the open burning of household waste. Burning permits are available from the Forest Fire Warden or several of the Deputy Wardens listed on the Town Officials document.

The Warner Firefighters Association, Inc., formed in 1986, was chartered to protect and preserve the history and memorabilia of our organization. For more information you may contact them at P.O. Box 64. Warner, NH 03278 or leave a voice message on 603-456-2222.

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Groundwater Protection Committee (A)

The Groundwater Protection Committee was established under a grant from the NH Department of Environmental Services. The grant is federally funded and approved by the NH Governor and Council. The committee held it's first meeting in August 2022.

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Highway Safety Committee (A)

The Highway Safety Committee is an advisory body to the Select Board.

Housing Advisory Committee (A)

The Housing Advisory Committee was an advisory body to the Planning Board. It was established on June 19, 2023. It was decomissioned on October 7, 2024. The purpose of the committee was to provide recommendations and guidance to the Planning Board regarding housing-related matters specific to the re-writing of chapter 4, the Housing section, of the Town of Warner 2011 Master Plan.

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Joint Loss Management Committee / Safety (A)

The purpose of a JLMC is to bring workers and management together in a non-adversarial, cooperative effort to promote safety and health in each workplace.


The Pillsbury Free Library has been serving Warner since 1892.

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Mink Hills Recreation Committee (A)

The Mink Hills Recreation Committee was appointed by the Selectboard to investigate recreational uses of the Mink Hills and make recommendations to the Selectboard.

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Parks and Recreation (A)

We love this town as much as you do. We are hoping to make each and every park in town the place you want it to be. Lots of activities and fun for the whole family!

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Planning Board (A)

The Planning Board is responsible for preparing and amending from time to time the Town Master Plan. The Board recommends programs for development of the municipality, makes changes to the Zoning Ordinance, conducts site plan reviews for major developments, reviews and approves subdivisions.

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Police Department

The Warner Police Department officially began after a Town vote on October 4, 1774. Stephen Edmund was voted into office as the Town's constable for a term of one year.

Over the passing years, the Warner Police Department continued to serve the community with part-time officers. In 1990 the Town appointed William Chandler as its first full-time police officer who now serves as Chief of Police.

The Police Department now consists of four full-time officers, one part-time officer and a full-time administrative assistant. The Department possesses and utilizes a full array of modern policing equipment, most of which was obtained through federal and state grants. The agency has three vehicles that are in current use. These vehicles consist of two patrol sedans and an SUV that is utilized during poorer weather conditions and on special assignments.

The Warner Police Department is committed to the concept of community policing. It is the dedication of the Warner Police Department to responsibly address the community's needs and to provide professional services that contribute to the quality of life of its residents.

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Record Preservation Committee (A)

The purpose of the RPC is to ensure correct disposition of Municipal records of the Town of Warner as mandated by RSA 33-A or any other laws and regulations, and to facilitate optimum collection, organization and preservation of these and any additional records deemed desirable to retain for historical or practical purposes.

Road Committee (A)

The purpose of the Road Committee is ....

Trustees of Trust Funds (E)

Trustees of Trust Funds are the custodian of the town's perpetual care funds, charitable trusts, and capital reserve/expendable trust funds. Trustees of Trust Funds make the decisions regarding expenditure from these funds based on the wishes of the donor in the case of privately donated funds. The Trustees distribute capital reserve funds and expendable trust funds to the appropriate government officials upon request. Trustees of Trust Funds make the decisions on how these funds are to be invested based on the investment policy adopted by the Trustees. Trustees of Trust Funds must submit annually to the Department of Revenue Administration and the Charitable Trusts Unit annual reports with respect to their trust funds.

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Warner River Designation Committee (A) - Dissolved

A group of community representatives from five Warner River watershed towns (Warner, Bradford, Sutton, Webster, and Hopkinton) submitted a detailed nomination document to the NH Department of Environmental Services in 2017, seeking Designated River status. On February 5, 2018, the committee sent a notice to the 5 Select Boards and Con Comms that the Nomination Committee had been dissolved with submittal of the nomination package. These efforts culminated in the Warner River being incorporated into the Rivers Management and Protection Program as NH's 19th Designated River in August 2018.

Warner River Local Advisory Committee (A)

A group of community representatives from the five Warner River riverfront towns (Warner, Bradford, Sutton, Webster, and Hopkinton) that was formed after the Warner River was inducted into the NH Rivers Management and Protection Program as a Designated River in 2018. The group meets monthly to consider and make recommendations on environmental and river issues that could impact the Warner River Corridor (which extends outward 1/4 mile from the high water marks along both river banks).

Local Advisory Committee webpage - additional information

Warner Village Water District (E)

The Warner Village Water District operates the Water and Sewer Systems. The area served is known as the "Precinct". It encompasses the area within a 1/2 - 1 mile radius from the Village center.

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Welfare Department (A)

To promote, protect and preserve the health and well-being of our community by helping individuals and families achieve self-sufficiency through direct assistance ore referrals to community resources in order to meet basic needs.

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Zoning Board of Adjustment (A)

The Zoning Board, established under the Zoning Ordinance, has the power to make variances or exceptions to the Zoning Ordinance.

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